yaakob portrait

Yaakov Davidoff was born in Shahritzab, a town in Bochara. He came to Israel in 1978 at the age of 13. At vocational school he studied electrical work. After his army service he learned to do welding. He was better than average at both occupations, but somehow he felt that neither would be his lifelong vocation.

He enrolled at a course for silversmithing, and it was as though he had been working with precious materials all his life.

Now, two decades after finishing that course, Yaakov Davidoff is drawing gasps of wonder from all who see his work, mainly because of the innovative ideas expressed in his designs, the excellent craftsmanship, and a boldness that few would dare match. And e continues his efforts to create and enrich his knowledge to earn the right to build whatever will be nessecary when the 3rd temple will be built.